
Here's a photo of Alan Thwaits racing in a Running Kilt in Sarasota, Florida.
"I've just posted a review of my new RunningKilt on my blog. You can access the review page directly at:
I've found it to be far and away the most comfortable running gear I've ever worn, and it's going to be my standard for all upcoming races. Thanks for this excellent piece of kit!" and
"Scott, I wanted to let you know that my [second] Running Kilt arrived in this morning’s mail. Thanks for the very speedy service. Quite appropriately, today’s my birthday. Your timing was perfect. I’ll wear the new Running Kilt on this afternoon’s official birthday run. Thanks again for adding to the pleasure of my running."
Alan Thwaits, Canada
"I recently bought a Running Kilt from you and have been on 8 runs with it so far. I live in Mexico in the Sonoran Desert and heat is the problem here, even in the winter. Conventional running shorts (and shoes) can quickly soak with sweat adn become very uncomfortable. The Tarahumara had actually figured out running in the heat a long time ago. Their running gear is very similar to a kilt, loose shirts, and durable sandals. i will never use running shorts again! I feel very free and much cooler in a Running Kilt, plus it is so light. I run trails so I am by myself, but I left the house 4 times and my wife didn't even notice I was wearing a kilt, I finally pointed it out and she thought it looked great. I love this thing!" Che, Mexico
"Hi Scott. Got the Running Kilt today and I took if out for a short run right away. I loved it! Thank you!” Matt, Clifton Park, NJ
"Your Kilts hit the streets of Paris. Thanks for the awesome piece of kit!" Romain, Paris, France
"Hi Scott, I received the two Running Kilts I ordered off you late last week and they are absolutely fantastic. Both fit extremely well. I'm highly impressed by the quality and finish of the product, and just how comfortable they are to wear. Thanks for producing such a great product. Regards", Shane, Australia
"I have used the Kilt several times, treadmill only, when I have company in the house. It is working great for me, no recommendation for any changes. Only problem is that I have to wash it each time, so to solve that I would like to order one more, then I can go an extra day and wash both together!", Ron, Red Lion, PA
"Hi Scott, I received the Running Kilt today and tried it on. It looks good and fits good! Thanks for the prompt delivery." Lou, Petersborough, Ontario, Canada
“I have ditched sweats or shorts around the house and it’s all about the Running Kilt”. (Made his own using pattern)
"Scott - After running my first half marathon in my new Running Kilt I have to admit that I enjoyed the freedom, circulation and no wedgies provided by your kilt design. My concerns about being noticed in a kilt where squashed because no one even noticed not even my friends until I pointed it out. I did make one observation that I hope you consider changing and that is the size of the hidden pocket. Although the pocket is big enough for my car key and key fob I wish it was big enough for my hotel room key instead. Nevertheless I am completedly converted and plan to run all my future races in my new kilt." Mr. L, Culver City, CA
"Scott, You wanted to know how the large fit me, with a 33" waist. It fits perfect. I wanted to wait until I wore it a couple of times before writing back to you. I ordered it, after looking at it for months for one main reason. I have a 4 day charity cycling event next weekend. I primarily wanted it to be able to change into and out of my bike shorts discretely even if in public. I also wanted to try running in them as I am also a runner. I first tried them the other day on a three mile run. I liked the cool feeling, but was afraid as it was a little windy that they would blow up and expose me as I was "commando" underneath. Fortunately, it didn't happen. I tried running in them again today, 5 miles. Again I was afraid of being exposed, but it didn't happen. The kilt is just long enough to get by running, but forget about sitting down in them unless you're wearing something underneath or don't mind "hanging out". All in all I'm satisfied. I wish you and your business well." Mr. R, Royalston, MA
"Scott - Wow...what a great investment. It's one of the most comfortable garments I own. Glad I found your site and made the purchase. Wish you had other colors available. I know you have patterns, but frankly, I'm all thumbs when it comes to trying to sew." Mr. L, Kingston, WA.
"As you suggested, thought I'd pass along some feedback on my new running kilt. I've worn it several times now on runs (including a 10K race here in Portland yesterday) and really like it! Gotten lots of looks/positive comments, and several guys were asking me about it after the race, so I told them to check out your website.
Sure, some people will argue it's not a true kilt without pleats, but I like the styling (although I wouldn't mind one that's maybe another 1-2 inches longer). Also, have you considered making one out of a technical/drifit material? I think some guys might prefer that over nylon.
Anyway, thanks for the great product and quick service - I wish I had picked one up years ago! - Mr. W, Portland, OR
"I received my Running Kilt a couple of weeks ago and I really like it. It is very light and you hardly know you've got it on. The colour is also just what I wanted, so thanks for doing such a good job! I'll know where to go in the future if I need another one." - Mrs. B., UK
"I've enjoyed my Running Kilt in the hot and humid midwestern summer last year and hope to summon the courage to wear it with the local running club this year. I do not follow your advice of wearing anything under it, since that would both defeat the main benefit of the garment and, as any true Scot will tell you: "Nothing is worn under the kilt, everything under there is in fine working order!" - Mr. O, Chicago, IL
"When you wear a Running Kilt, you don't realize it's a kilt. It feels like running shorts, minus the chafing." - Mr. M, San Diego, CA
"I find Running Kilts very comfortable - no shorts riding up between your legs and the fact that there's no shorts makes your legs "feel free". Stretching in the Running Kilt is a problem, but I stretch in running shorts, and change into my Running Kilt before I run." - Mrs. P, San Diego, CA
"My son's Running Kilt arrived yesterday - he loves it!" - Mr. D, Mobile, AL
"Thanks for making a brilliant piece of clothing. I went for a run in my Running Kilt in the countryside near my home, and it felt great. It takes getting used to because it is so light, it's almost as if I am not wearing anything, which at first is a little disconcerting." - Mr. B, UK
"It is very unique and I will be doing a review on it for next week's page update. Everyone I show it to is VERY impressed. You have a winner." - Mr. W, www.running.about.com
"My Running Kilt arrived yesterday. It's great. Wish they would have been available twenty years ago." - Mr. M, South Korea
"My Running Kilt looks great! I can't wait to take it into action. The scotty dog is really cute too!" - Mrs. M, San Francisco, CA
"The Running Kilt is great. I would like (the two additional ones I ordered) the same size as the first." - Mr. S, Tampa, FL
"I love my running kilt. It fits nicely, though next time I'll order one a little longer. Next time, I'd sew a Runningkilts.com logo on the back, too. In fact, if you have an extra, I'll sew it on for this race -- there will be hundreds staring for hours at the back of me, ha ha. Scott, thanks again, you went the extra mile for me in getting this together. I'll go an extra mile for you to promote it, Thx"
"Dear Scott, Thanks millions for the running kilt. It worked out perfectly (in a 50 mile race). I loved it. I think I will order more, but will ask you put "Running Kilts.com" on the back, too. (lots of folks asked about it!)
Thx," - Mrs. P, Cincinnati, OH
"Hi Scott, I received my Running Kilt Friday September 27th and I like it. You really did a good job. I immediatly wore it ("freeballing"!) to hike on Saturday : it's great to stride along, to jump over any obstacle or to go climbing without any tight cloth on one's thighs. My legs "feel free".
Yours sincerely, - Mr. R, Paris, France
"It's Great! I've only gone out in public once so far with it on, and I got a few strange looks from the public, so it is worth it. Many thanks, we (our high school XC team) may order some more items from you in the future!" - Mr. L., UK
